Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Twenty-Six: Where is my Food?

My dinner: BBQ Sauce over Beef, Beans and Rice
This is the second month that Husband and I have had Nutrisystem, and it's the second month that something has gone wrong with the delivery of our food. Last month, our frozen foods were delivered late. Now, my 28-day supply of ready-to-go meals is late thanks again to UPS.

Husband received his food Friday. Both boxes were  shipped on the same day, March 2. On Friday, the UPS tracking information showed that my box of food would arrive Monday, March 7. When I got home from work, there was no box. I looked online, and UPS had goofed. They sent my box of food to Muncie, Indiana. So it will be re-routed to me with a new arrival date: March 8. This must be a sign!

I have been completely out of breakfast and snacks for days now. I only have a lunch left for Tuesday. I have several dinners still at least. I'm not sure if we're just "lucky" with having two delivery problems, or if this is typical. I'm guessing we were just lucky.

Anyway, I really hope to see that box on the front porch tomorrow so I can "pay back" Husband. I've already given him some ice cream to compensate for the "borrowed" desserts/snacks.

Chicken Quesadilla
Tonight's dinner was a new one for me. I'm not sure why I picked it other than for variety. However, it was good even if it looks awful in the photo. The BBQ sauce was sweet. The beans were good, and there were actual chunks of meat in the dish with plenty of sauce to spare. Aside from its unattractive appearance, this was a winner. I would like to know who takes the photos of the meals for the boxes though. How much "make-up" are these meals getting for Picture Day?

Lunch was also a win. I ate my last frozen lunch meal today. It was the Chicken Quesadilla. It was delicious! Also, it was not too small. I've felt like the frozen steak and chicken melts from Nutrisystem have had too much dough and not enough filling, but you can see from the photo that the filling is oozing out of the tortilla. I wish we could order the frozen foods à la carte because this would definitely be a lunch I'd order again.

Today I felt more hungry throughout the day, but I think it's because I had a few good foods (aka "real food") over the weekend. I think Tuesday will be a lot easier.

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