Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Completely off topic: Help Find Lauren Spierer

Lauren Spierer, 20, was last seen around 4:30 a.m., 6/3 near the intersection of College Avenue & 11th St. • Info to Bloomington police: 812-339-4477 • #FindLauren • For anonymous tips call: 800-CRIME-TV • • We encourage you to RT: "20 yr. old student, missing since 6/3, HELP #FindLauren,, follow @NewsOnLaurenS"

As you can all tell, the diet blog has ended, but I checked my stats and people are still visiting this site so I figured I would try to help -- in some small way -- by writing about a missing Indiana University student in Bloomington, Indiana.

I have never met Lauren Spierer. I have come into contact with her parents, and I can say that they are warm, caring people. It hurts to think that someone knows where Lauren is but won't tell authorities. I know college "kids" can do stupid things, as I had my share of stupid incidents during my undergraduate years. I think the reason it is hard to shake this story from my mind comes down to how lucky I -- and others I have talked to -- feel. How many times in college did I walk a few blocks home in the middle of the night? Many. I know I never thought walking a few blocks from my friends' dorm to my dorm was dangerous. Nor did I think that fellow students I'd known for a few weeks or months would do me any harm when I slept on their couches. I am sure it is that way with many college students. I wish we could convince them to be more careful. I hope that Lauren's disappearance hits home -- hard -- with teenagers today. Be there for your friends, and before you do anything risky, think twice. No, think three times.

When a former co-worker asked me to be her son's Godmother, I agreed. At her baby shower, her friends passed out cards with different ages on the top, and they asked everyone to write a note to the child at the age on the card. I remember writing to the future 18-year-old boy that I hoped he would go to college, and if he should decide that was the right step that he would be smart about the choices he made in college. It is so easy to see how naive we were when we have been out of college for more than 10 years! At 18, it is hard to listen to the sage advice of our parents or other adults. It is also hard to realize that one decision could change your life forever.

Like thousands of others, I want Lauren Spierer to be found. I want her family's anguish to end. You can see the sadness on the faces of her parents. Stepping forward with information was always the right thing to do, and it is not too late. I hope someone calls the police soon with information that will end the family's torment.

And if you live in Bloomington, keep your eyes open for Lauren. She is everywhere. You can find more information on the NewsOnLaurenS website or follow @NewsonLauren on Twitter.